600 Mini Sprint Complete 1 7/8" Rear End Assembly for watts link rear ends. Comes complete with axle tube, axle nuts, spacers, birdcages, and brake rotor. Designed for Watts Link style rear end chassis, the XXX 600 rear end assembly is incredibly lightweight and incorporates design features that have been proven at 600 tracks from Washington to Florida and every state in between. Components and axle layout are listed and diagramed below.
RH Axle Nut
2” Tapered Spacer
3 ¼” Spacer
Sprocket Hub
1” Spacer
Left Hand Birdcage (Insert Facing Left Side)
4 5/8” Spacer Brake Carrier 3/4" Spacer Brake Rotor Floating Brake Hub 3/4" Spacer Rear Axle 7 3/4" Spacer Right Birdcage (Insert Facing Left Side) 2" Spacer (2) 1" Spacers 3/4" Spacer 1/2" Spacer 1/4" Spacer 1" Tapered Spacer LH Axle Nut
Diameter: 1 7/8"
Length: 52"
Weight: 21.5 pounds
Spacer Diagram:
(Click to enlarge)